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Men Are More Prone to Snore than Women

It is a well know fact that men are more likely to snore than women. Studies show that as many as 40 per cent of men snore while the numbers are at 30 per cent for women.

Also, among snorers, about a fourth of them will be habitual noise makers.

More men snore than women for reasons that depend on their lifestyle though certain physical reasons can also cause the problem. [an error occurred while processing this directive] The trouble with snoring is that anyone within a reasonably close distance will be affected by the loud sounds, and it can also adversely affect the snorer as well.

Snoring Could Ruin a Relationship or May Lead to Physical Complications

If you snore constantly and do not do anything about it, you are putting yourself at risk of ruining a relationship as well as puting yourself in danger of complications such as high blood pressure ,sleep apnea, as well as increased risk of heart attacks. The problem with when you snore is that it leads to feeling tired and irritable during the daytime.

Snoring can also put a person at a greater risk of meeting with an accident and the long term implications are also not comforting. When you drink alcohol or take sleeping pills, it will only worsen the snoring problem. Being overweight is also not conducive to sleeping soundly, and if you are one of those people that like to sleep on their backs, you can bet on having a night filled with snoring sounds that disturbs you as well as others.

There are several contributory factors that will cause a person to snore including having muscle tone of less than acceptable quality in the tongue as well as throat. With too much of tissue in the throat, you will be more than likely to snore at night, and this problem can become a serious health concern because it results in disturbed patterns of sleep and means less rest at night, which is essential to a person’s well being.

The psychological as well as social implications can also be quite serious. When you snore, you are at risk of impairing your lifestyle even more severely, and unless you take steps to improve your snoring problem, you will be at risk of marital disruptions and disharmony.

Snoring is not something unique as it is believed that as many as one fifth of the population will have snored at some point of time in their lives. The main and negative impact of snoring is that a person will be deprived of much needed sleep, and it will lead to poor concentration, inability to focus as well as not enough interest in sex. As noted above these psychological and social implications can be quite serious. So snoring isn’t really a laughing matter.


Notice: is solely to be used as an informational resource and should never be used to replace contact with your licensed healthcare provider.

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